Only through consistent inspection and maintenance can you be sure that your Honda will continue to deliver dependable performance.

Maintenance according to Mileage

Although knowing how old your automobile is can facilitate maintaining it, knowing how many miles you have driven is a better predictor of the sort of maintenance it requires. It is because mileage is directly proportional to the amount of wear and tear experienced by your Honda.

If you are driving your car a lot every year, you will reach these landmarks faster than those who do not put as many miles on their car as you do.

Every 5,000 Kilometers

Every 5,000 miles or so, you are required to do specific duties on your car by the manufacturer’s recommendations. First, perform a thorough inspection of your front and back brakes. You may take care of it at the same time as the tire rotation.

Your tires will wear more uniformly if you keep up on routine tire rotations. Because of this, your tires will have a longer lifespan, and your vehicle will run more efficiently.

You must check both the fluid levels and their condition. If you do it every 5,000 miles, you will be able to detect any possible difficulties early on. Don’t over look the oil and oil filter replacement as well. Check the owner’s handbook for your vehicle to determine the advised interval between oil changes. Some automobiles have a range of up to 7,000 miles.

At Thirty Thousand (30,000) Miles

When your car has 30,000 miles on it, it has been on the road for a few years, which means that items have had time to stabilize and become dusty. Therefore, you may need to change spark plugs and check the vents to see whether there is still enough clearance.

Altering the position of the air filter is also going to be necessary. However, you might want to consider doing this sooner if you reside in a region where the air quality is not as good. If there is still a lot of dirt, dust, or pollen in the air, your filters will fill up much more quickly.

Driving belts are another item that is good to examine and replace if needed.

At 45,000 Miles

At the mark of 45,000 miles, you need to replenish the engine coolant and the brake fluid. These fluids are essential to ensuring that your car operates as it should.

The engine’s coolant helps prevent the engine from overheating by drawing heat away from it. The brake fluid must function correctly under high temperatures and pressures since it is responsible for maintaining the components of the mobile braking system.

At 60,000 Miles

It is recommended that you inspect the drive belts at sixty thousand miles. It is essential to keep in mind that this is a duty that you must complete around every 50,000 kilometers.

At 75,000 Miles

You were supposed to change the coolant in the engine around the 45,000-mile mark, and you should do it again sometime around the 75,000-mile mark. We highly recommend that at this time, all of the fluids should be examined, including the ones in the other compartments.

At 90,000 Miles

The distance of 90,000 miles may sound like a lot, but it is a possibility that you should never discount. There are three Hondas for every other vehicle on the road that were manufactured during the previous 25 years.

When you reach this benchmark, you must change the transmission fluid, drive belts, spark plugs, & brake fluid on your vehicle. Because your engine has probably already been put through a fair amount of work at this stage, these fluids are crucial to ensuring that it continues to run smoothly.