Do you want to improve the fuel efficiency of your car? You are on the right web page. Here, you will get to know some tips to improve your car’s fuel economy.

Fluctuation in the cost of fuel is a constant source of frustration for drivers and motorists. Unfortunately, you cannot do anything regarding the rising fuel prices, but you can do one thing. You can improve your car’s fuel economy, which helps make the most out of every liter.  We have some tips that help you in controlling the fuel economy of your vehicle.

Drive slow

Excessive speed while driving can destroy the fuel efficiency of your car. So, make sure that you have a light right foot on the accelerator because gentle acceleration is very important for a fuel-efficient drive. You may need to drive fast at times, but it does not mean that you always drive like you are in a race. The best chance to achieve high mpg is driving in the highest gear for your car while remaining within the speed limit. You need to keep one thing in mind, the faster your vehicle runs, the more fuel consumed by its engine.

Generally, there is no optimum driving speed for fuel economy. Still, the speed of 56mph is considered to be the closest choice. This is because the old fuel consumption test was set up to test 2 speed levels, 56mph, and 75mph. The 56mph has always come out to be the most efficient for fuel economy. Typically, vehicles remain fuel-efficient at 45-50mph. Fuel economy differs from vehicle to vehicle, and it also depends on many other factors discussed below.

AC and Heater

Your vehicle consumes more fuel when the AC or the heater is switched on, depending on the weather conditions. Do not use the AC unless you really need it because it uses the engine’s power and fuel consumption goes up. The same is the case with the heater, so keep yourself dressed according to the weather and avoid using AC or Heater if you want to increase your vehicle’s fuel efficiency.

Engine stop/start

Today, cars have a stop start system on the engine, a handy option as far as fuel efficiency is concerned. The engine will continue to burn fuel if you keep your foot on the clutch when stopped at the traffic lights. When you take your car in neutral by using the stop-start system, it will save you money and fuel both.

Remove weight

Removing excessive weight can improve the fuel ecomony for your car.
Remove the roof rack when you are not carrying any stuff on it because the heavier your vehice is, the more fuel the engine consumes. Simply, do not keep unnecessary things as they will add weight which is not good for fuel-efficiency.

Plan long journeys

Rather than several short trips, consider going on a long trip. The engine works more efficiently when it is warm, whereas short trips will increase fuel consumption.