If you have been wanting to acquire a hybrid vehicle there is no better time than right now, and you may find yourself considering a hybrid vehicle and wondering what the maintenance differences are for hybrid and conventional cars. Since the introduction of hybrid cars to the market, the Auto Alt team has been servicing them, and has compiled a list to give you a glimpse some of the significant differences between conventional and hybrid vehicle maintenance, as well as learn more about the long-term benefits of having a hybrid vehicle.
1. They Have Extended the Life of Their Brake Pads.
A regenerative braking system is standard equipment on modern hybrid vehicles. A hybrid vehicle’s brakes endure reduced friction and heat, the principal causes of brake pad degradation in traditional cars. If you are driving in town, stop-and-go regularly, this function will be of great use to you.
2. They Require Fewer Changes of Oil.
Compared to a gasoline engine, an electrical engine undergoes less wear and tear. Driving a hybrid vehicle means a lower risk of engine failure and a longer period between oil changes. Oil changes can be spaced anywhere between 5,000 and 10,000 miles apart, depending on your driving style and frequency of use. Apart from saving money, the convenience of not having to schedule oil changes regularly is a plus.
3. They Do Not Need an Ongoing System Maintenance.
The hybrid components in the majority of hybrid cars will not require any system maintenance during their lifetime. The fuel components may require some maintenance, but because those components are less active than those found in a regular automobile, you will find that they require far less attention. While this may be regarded as a distinction from traditional maintenance, the important point to remember is that a hybrid will not need any additional care on the components that make up the hybrid system.
Top Tips for Long-Term Care and Maintenance of Your Hybrid Vehicle
Let us face it; automobile maintenance is far more difficult to accomplish than it appears. However, maintaining any vehicle is essential if you intend to keep it for an extended period; this is especially true for hybrid vehicles. If you want to keep your hybrid working smoothly and reliably after the warranty period has expired, you must keep up with the following transmission fluid, hybrid battery, brake fluid, and more.
Maintaining these three components of your hybrid will cost far less than replacing them if you fail to provide them with the essential maintenance they require.
Transmission Fluid
It is recommended that you replenish the transmission fluid in your hybrid car every 50,000 kilometers. Even though this fluid does not degrade as rapidly as gasoline-powered vehicles, the fluid does become polluted with iron oxide over time. If your car does have this happen, it can cause significant damage to your electric motor and need the purchase of expensive replacement parts.
A hybrid transmission may cost upwards of $11,000 to replace; however, frequent transmission fluid replacements, which help extend your transmission’s life, can cost as little as $115 every change.
Brake Fluid
It is critical to routinely flush the brake fluid out of your hybrid vehicle to avoid costly failure. Without regular brake fluid replacement, the linear valve, which is crucial in wheel alignment, may deteriorate and eventually become unusable, making your car unusable.