If you detect a little puddle of crimson fluid beneath your vehicle, this may indicate that there is a leak in the transmission fluid in your car. In addition to leaving stains on your driveway or garage floor, a leak might result in a significantly bigger budget for fixing and replacing the fluid.

Please continue reading to learn about the causes of transmission fluid leaks and the costs associated with repairing them.

Transmission Fluid Leaks: The Top 5 Reasons for the Problem

Your transmission can leak as a result of a minor or significant problem. Regardless of the nature of the problem, you should never ignore it. Transmission leaks are basic repairs that can quickly worsen and cost you significantly more money to correct. Check out below a list of the five most common transmission fluid leaks reasons.

#1 – Transmission Pan

m can show in your transmission pan from everyday use and wear and strain. The pan of your transmission is prone to damage from all of the large rocks and trash on the road while you are driving around.

A leak can occur if a minor puncture occurs in the pan or if the drain plugs or bolts are not properly secured. Also, a large rock or another large object could destroy the pan, resulting in a rapid loss of fluid in the gearbox. Whenever this occurs, you will be able to determine right away what is going on in the situation.

A tiny hole or puncture, on the other hand, will take a longer time for you to detect. It may also be that your bolt or drain plug is not fastened correctly. Sometimes the case is that the bolt is overtightened and stripped. This can cause a leak. This is not uncommon of an occurence that happens after the changing of transmission fluid.

#2- Leakage from the torque converter

The transmission fluid is pushed through your car’s system by the torque converter. If there is damage anywhere on the torque pump and damaged needle bearings will cause it to begin leaking transmission fluid. Because this is not a quick repair, taking your automobile to a professional for replacement is frequently the only alternative.

#3 – Failure of the transmission pan gasket

When the gasket of the transmission pan is fitted during the installation, it the gasket isn’t up to par due to poor manufacturing practices, it may become broken or cracked. This can also occur due to prolonged exposure to high temperatures. Luckily, the gasket is an inexpensive replacement so you should do so as soon as possible. If this is not done, more significant problems will eventually emerge.

#4 – The seals have been damaged

The automatic gearbox is under hydraulic pressure by use of a variety of transmission seals. However, these seals will fracture over time and become worn out, especially if they are regularly exposed to high temperatures.

When you find a transmission leak, there are several sections that must be checked. You will most likely discover the leaky seal in either the input or output shaft, but not always. Sometimes the issue can be resolved after checking the sensors, the plug seals, that transmission pan, the tail housing seal, the driveshaft, shifter housing seal, valve body, and speedometer input seal. It is important to check these amongst other things, before proceeding.

#5 – A crack has appeared in the fluid line

Transmission fluid lines are either steel or aluminum, depending on the use. These lines usually are pretty resistant, but if they are harmed by road debris or subjected to excessive heat for an extended period, the lines may crack or even entirely fail.