If you’ve inspected your oil pressure switch or sensor and verified its good condition, yet your oil pressure warning light keeps coming on, it may indicate an urgent engine issue requiring prompt resolution. Various factors can contribute to incorrect oil gauge readings and the activation or blinking of the engine oil pressure warning light. Presented below are the most prevalent causes.

Primary Causes of Illuminated Oil Pressure Warning Light

Malfunctioning Oil Pump

The oil pump pressurizes the engine’s oil, enabling it to flow smoothly through its components, facilitating lubrication. Should any complications arise with the oil pump, the oil pressure would decrease, illuminating the vehicle’s oil pressure warning light. Unfortunately, reduced oil pressure impedes the oil’s ability to circulate adequately within the engine, leading to heightened friction among components, increased temperatures, and, ultimately, expensive damage.

Obstructed Oil Filter

An oil filter safeguards the engine from abrasions and wear by filtering out solid contaminants. These contaminants commonly include metallic particles, carbon, and dirt. If such substances infiltrate the engine, they can cause damage to the cylinder walls, journals, and bearings. In addition, as time passes, oil filters become clogged, notably when not replaced during routine oil changes. Once this occurs, the oil pressure in your vehicle diminishes, activating the engine’s oil pressure warning light. Addressing this issue promptly necessitates immediate replacement of the oil filter.

Blocked Oil Passages in the Engine

The engine’s oil pan or crankcase serves as the reservoir for engine oil, typically accommodating four to six quarts. The engine oil pump pressurizes the oil and facilitates its circulation. After leaving the pump, the oil passes through the filter for contaminant removal. Subsequently, the clean oil flows through a network of passages until it reaches the crankshaft, allowing it to circulate through the engine’s bearing surfaces. However, if these passages become obstructed, the oil flow is impeded, triggering the illumination of the oil pressure warning light on your dashboard. Insufficient or excessive oil pressure may arise as a result. Failure to address this issue promptly can result in severe engine damage.

Insufficient Engine Oil

Engine oil serves the vital purpose of lubricating the car’s engine. Over time, the oil level may decrease due to minor leaks. Older vehicles have a higher probability of experiencing oil leaks in various areas, including the valve cover gasket, oil pan gasket, rear main seal, or even the drain plug. While it may appear obvious, an oil cap that is improperly tightened or missing entirely can inevitably lead to oil loss. Additionally, regular engine operation can cause the oil to burn away. The oil pressure warning light activates once the oil level drops significantly, indicating the need to check the engine oil level promptly.

Ensure to promptly address any issues related to your vehicle’s oil pressure and seek professional assistance when necessary.